“The Art of Seeing: teaching visual literacy in the library and classroom”: ARLIS VRC event, 5th June

May 14, 2014
Aditya Thaokar / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Aditya Thaokar / CC-BY-SA-3.0

In recent years museum educators, librarians, visual resources curators and University tutors have been developing workshops and talks aimed at helping their users develop the set of abilities often referred to as Visual Literacy. Visual literacy skills are immediately relevant to art and design students but there will be a chance at this event to hear also about sessions that were developed for wildly different groups such as student doctors and members of the New York police. Speakers from UK Universities will describe some of the interesting Visual literacy sessions they deliver to their students and we will learn about the variety of aims and objectives that led to these new kinds of teaching sessions. At lunchtime there will be an expert from JISC Digital Media to take questions about Image Copyright and at the end there will be an open forum giving everyone ample opportunity to question and discuss with speakers issues and ideas that have come up during the course of the day.

For full programme details and booking form go to the ARLIS Workshop & Events page